We provide software developers and business leaders with the tools to translate their applications into true user-friendliness and accessibility—making digital as effortless as turning on a tap.
The FK is a prestigious resource for healthcare professionals, to support safely prescribing of medication. But after going online, it still reads like a book. With our support, the FK now has user-friendly decision support for doctors, pharmacists & students.
55,000 pages and 400+ contributors meant the Maastricht University website needed a fresh approach. ContentKings created a task-oriented site that focused on the choices students want to make.
What is so great about ContentKings: they do not just think along, but several steps ahead. They think about solutions long before obstacles arise. They really add their expertise to ours: 1+1 = 3.
Angelique Roeland
Project Leader, Dutch Brain Foundation
“Not only did ContentKings know what does and does not work for our end users; they also knew how to inspire the rest of our organisation.”
Manon Gorissen
Manager Digital Innovation, Maastricht University
“We often have advisors in our Province who stimulate us with their vision. But an advisor who convinces us of his vision and stands with us in the mud… that is exceptional.”
Wil Rutten
Chairman Board of Directors, The Province of Noord-Brabant
“With a deep grasp of our organizational culture, ContentKings led the way, persuading us with innovative insights from a stakeholder Task Analysis. This led to backing for a new direction and a task-focused content strategy for our website.”
Mr.drs. Linda Hennink
Director Secretary, The Netherlands Council for Real Estate Assessment
Our Discovery research provides insights into the true needs of your users